Hello! My name is Marissa Melin. I am a vegetarian and have been one my whole life! I got married in November but had dated my husband for nearly 10 years- we are high school sweethearts. I am a crazy budgeter and track every penny my husband and I spend!
I have always been interested in technology. You could probably blame my father who was a big Apple fan back in the day. We always had the newest computers in the house and I have been hooked since then!
The first year I started teaching language arts (8 years ago), I had a problem with how I was teaching. I was teaching students to write using pencil and paper and I personally never used these tools. I wrote every paper in college on my computer and was just getting into my first e-reader. When I stepped into the classroom excited about teaching, I immediately felt like how I was teaching was incredibly out of date.
3 years later I went to a conference for English teachers and went to every tech talk I could. When I returned to my school, I developed a plan. I convinced my principal to let me float into a lab during the 1 period it was open, so in January, my 5th period and I moved online!
After seeing what my kids could do on the computers, my administrators moved me to the lab full time. For the past 4 years I have developed my own curriculum (or rather how to teach my curriculum on the computers) and have had incredible success. This year, they moved another language arts teacher into a lab to do what I do! I am so excited to help her on her own technology journey.
I use Google Apps for Education and email students almost daily, email parents almost weekly, and keep an updated class website/calendar. But what is REALLY cool is watching students collaborate real time as they read through a text! I also love to watch students write and SEE their process in a way I never could on paper. The ability to give feedback is tremendous and has totally revolutionized the way I teach.
Personally, I have followed in my father’s footsteps. I am typing this up on my Macbook, with my iPhone and iPad nearby. I also have a fit bit (which I shamefully don’t use), digital cameras, and my Kindle PaperWhite(perhaps my favorite device I own).
Just testing for the moment. It's Claudia Zequeira here.